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Old March 12th, 2004
buddyjack2 buddyjack2 is offline
Join Date: March 12th, 2004
Posts: 2
buddyjack2 is flying high
Default OSX 10.3.2, LW 3.8.7 & Cable Modem Disconnect

Hi, for what it's worth, my Motorola SB4200 Cable Modem also disconnects upon launch of LW Pro 3.8.7 on a G5 running OSX 10.3.2. I determined that if I remember to trash the LimeWire folder from Users/MyName/Library/Preferences, BEFORE launching LW, then I can use the program (once) after running thru its setup dialogs (again). Specifically, there's a file called "installation.props" that the program installs that seems to be the problem, tho deleting just that one file doesn't always solve the re-launch disconnect as effectively as trashing the entire LW prefs folder.
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