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Old March 13th, 2004
stief stief is offline
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Hi Jens-Uwe. Thanks for the explanation. You're right about Panther (I should have checked for that earlier. DOH!).

So, dragging and dropping text (a folder name in the Library this time) gives a NPE on the G3, but not the G4. Hey--maybe the jum is the diff!

LimeWire version 3.9.2 Pro
Java version 1.4.1_01 from Apple Computer, Inc.
Mac OS X v. 10.2.8 on ppc (G3)

but not with

LimeWire version 3.9.2jum288
Java version 1.4.2_03 from Apple Computer, Inc.
Mac OS X v. 10.3.2 on ppc (G4)

Last edited by stief; March 13th, 2004 at 06:15 PM.