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Old March 17th, 2004
Petti Petti is offline
Join Date: March 17th, 2004
Posts: 1
Petti is flying high
Default I am having the same problem

Hi. I've been following your thread. I started Limewire Basic this morning, as I always do with no problems. It reported some pop up window of a bug & told me to reinstall Limewire. So I did a search for Limewire on my Harddrive, trashed all remnants of it, and went online to reinstall Limewire Basic for Mac OSX. I was able to download my favorite theme. Then I went to "Audio" & tried a general search for something everyone has to see if it was working- I typed in under "Artist", the word "Beatles". It wouldn't let me search. The I tried search all types for "Beatles". It appeared to be searching, but came up with nothing. I rebooted my computer. It is still not working. Something is wrong today. I have no Java folder in my "house" icon, but I do have one in my hard disc, with no extensions. Can anyone help?
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