Installing 1.6d in SuSE Linux 7.1 I can't get past first base installing Limewire. When I execute the sh ./LimeWireLinux.bin command, I get a text message:
Preparing to install...
Which looks good. However, after a few seconds, I get the following:
SIGSEGV received at bfffdbc4 in /tmp/install.dir.8538/Linux/resource/jre/lib/linux/native_threads/ Processing terminated
Writing stack trace to javacore9748.txt ... OK
./LimeWireLinux.bin: line 1: 9748 Segmentation fault /tmp/install.dir.8538/Linux/resource/jre/bin/jre -Djava.compiler= -noverify -cp "::/tmp/install.dir.8538/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.8538/InstallerData/" com.zerog.lax.LAX "/tmp/install.dir.8538/temp.lax" /tmp/
There is no dialog box displayed, just the text in the shell window.
I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Thanks. |