Originally posted by waltbru
1) Can I run Limewire as a background process on Linux without root access to the server?
2) Is there a special version of Limewire focused on file serving and supporting the network, but not on file downloading?
No, but you could just start the LimeWire core. Without the GUI it won't be able to start any downloads.
To start the core make sure all LimeWire jars are in your classpath (using the -cp option) and run the com.limegroup.gnutella.Main class
"java -cp .
all jars as a colon separated list) com.limegroup.gnutella.Main"
3) Assuming I won't download anything, is there another Gnutella program which is better suited to supporting and aiding Gnutella network traffic?
I might as well use this server's spare bandwidth for something productive....
LimeWire will try to create a ".limewire" directory in your home, - you might want to take a look at the limewire.props file to edit the necessary option. Or you could run LimeWire in GUI mode once to configure LimeWire appropriately for your system.