search does not work anymore Hi there
sorry I can't help as I experience the same/similar problem.
I am running Limewire on a Mac G4 notebook, with OSX 10.2.8 and connected to the internet through a wireless Airmac/Airport system.
I bought Limewire about 5 days ago, run the system alright for 3 days and since yesterday (without having changed any set up) I could not execute any AUDIO searches anymore. I click the search button and nothing moves. I then changed the search to a "Any Type" search and got at least the Limewire button to turn again (although without any search results coming through).
I must be connected alright as I can see under "Connections" about constantly 6 hosts (although I don't really know what they/these are).
I also deleted the preference directory as was suggested on other problems but this did not help.
I finally deleted Limewire software off my system and reloaded the software from scratch - no change.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Last edited by thomasthebeliever; March 26th, 2004 at 09:09 AM.