Originally posted by ursula
aren't 'dataminers' a whole lot different from viruses ???
You mean that there are no charming folks out there trying to make buck$ off of Mac users by 'reading' their 'trends' ?
I'd GUESS there should be with all the publicity about the iPod and iTunes, but really see so little discussion of it on my reading lists. I recall a discussion a while back that LW almost risked being the first to try. I don't know if it's because OSXers mostly use Apple's default Safari and Mail (avoiding the PC dataminers that I read about that rely on Microsoft exploits) or whatever.
Honestly, Ursula, trying to find reliable known stuff about Mac exploits is tough. Most of the FUD I've followed leads back to someone thinking a PC warning included Macs. Mac users are quite innocent here, which I hope can be preserved. With the switch to OSX, Apple moved into the *NIX camp, and those folks know exploits, and are pretty trusty.