Well, that all depends on what kind of notification bubbles you are seeing !!!
Seriously, are they related to Up-Date notices or something sinister such as a Trojan is attempting to storm your back-door ???
(Amazing choice of words for some of these things, huh ?)
Up-Date pop-ups
Security Alert Notices ?
If you mean the completed Up-Date notice, don't worry about it... You do not actually need to click OK on anything in order for the Up-Date to apply.
If you mean the Security Alerts, that depends on several things...
Does your version include the 'Visual Tracker' option for 'tracing'
intruders ?
If so, you will maybe want to use that very often to start... Use it to learn the 'range' of IPs used by the
intruder and then block the full range... After doing this for a while, you will notice that you are having fewer and fewer intrusions getting anywhere near you...