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Old March 27th, 2004
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ursula ursula is offline
Cleaning Lady
Join Date: May 17th, 2002
Location: koyaanisqatsi
Posts: 2,334
ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Before you slip over that final edge of madness, leave a note somewhere around here so that people can learn...

What computer type you are using
What Operating System you are using
What p2p client (program) you are using
What Firewall, if any
What internet connection type you have
Whether or not you are using a school connection
Are you having problems with a NEW, first time ever installation
Problems after an UpGrade

Get the idea ?
You help us with the merest glimmer of some info about your set up,
Amazingly enough, someone might be able to help you...

You see, if all of the nice people here who volunteer to help others needed to go to mind-reading classes instead, Nothing would get done !!!
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