Dear you...
Now, now... You have already posted on this...
Believe me, you will have far greater success if you stick with following on with your original post...
Anyway, I gave you a link for the Musicmatch Jukebox Help or User Guide, right ?
Wellllllllll, if you go down to the bottom of the first page of the
Burning Help, you will find links to OTHER subjects... Amazing, hmmm ?
One of those is cleverly named, 'Manage'
What you need to do is to first learn how... HOW to manage and manipulate Folders and Files on your computer... Meaning 'Moving' and 'Copying' and such arcane functions, OK ?
Now, here is another meaty, beefy, bouncy and actually quite chunky bit of hand-holding for you...
There you will find tips and guidance from MMJ on how to 'find' your music files and create playlists and loads more...
C U later !!!
p.s. Please, pretty please, come back here or to your original post for the next exciting installments, OK ?