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Old March 28th, 2004
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ursula ursula is offline
Cleaning Lady
Join Date: May 17th, 2002
Location: koyaanisqatsi
Posts: 2,334
ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

btw, at the most basic, all you really want to do is to 'create' a Folder that contains the music files you would like to have for listening... You could call it your 'Music Bank' folder, or whatever...
If you have the Hard Disk Drive space available, try doing that and leave your 'Shared' files and 'Downloads Folder' alone... Just empty the Downloads when you want and to where you want...

In that same 'Music Bank' folder you would, hopefully, be doing things to some (perhaps many) of the music files... Doing what to them ?
'Tagging' them properly for a start... A task which MMJ does without equal !

MMJ has a very easy to use system for finding and adding files to your MMJ Library... Most of it is automatic... Maybe even 'too automatic'...

Main thing is to just relax and learn about it all...
You have already made the right choice by starting off with Musicmatch Jukebox... It's a great program and one of the very few out there that is truly worth buying...

There ARE a lot of little things to learn about MMJ in order to get the maximum out of it, but the basic 'early days' stuff is really quite simple...

Hang in there, kiddo !!!!!!!!
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