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Old March 29th, 2004
davisaud davisaud is offline
Join Date: March 29th, 2004
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 1
davisaud is flying high
Question Limewire not complete or damaged?

Hello all, please know that I've tried everything to get Limewire to work before bugging you all.

I successfully downloaded Limewire and started to download music, I realized that it wasn't being stored in my itunes I checked the "enable itunes support" box and I unchecked the box that would use the Limewire media player to hear what I downloading...this was supposed to allow the music I downloaded to play in itunes. I was then instructed to restart my computer. Once I did this, and double clicked on Limewire an error sign came up stating "Cannot open Limewire, this file may be damaged or incomplete" What should I do now? Uninstall? Reinstall?

I have an eMac operating on Mac OS X.

Thanks for all of your help!
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