Heu..., Ursula, P2P means gnutella, fasttrack, ares, winmx, directconnect and zillions of others... One person has more chance (probability) to try another client that is not gnutella than one that is... (this seems logic

). BTW searches don't go through all the Gnet... When I search for rare songs on LW I don't get the same hits as Bearshare (in number and files identity (hashes)). There is more rare music available on the LW portion of the Gnet than the Bearshare's one for now. (and those two have zillions more rare stuff than the one accessibile in Morpheus for exemple).
You get the point
¿ hace demasiado caliente en España, Ursula?
12º - Mucho viento - llueve - mucho mierda...
The Mediterranean ain't brilliant during the equinox period !...