Confused as to how to tell LW my IP, etc I don't think my downloads or uploads are as fast as they could be. I don't get many uploads regardless of uptime. My downloads are rarely more than 10 Kbps.
I'm Running LimeWire 3.9.2 Pro, ZoneAlarm Pro 4.5.538.001 on XP Home through a Linksys LNE100TX(v5) router to a Roadrunner cable connection.
I was reading in the connection problem sticky thread that some people have had success putting their IP into LW, and I don't see where to do that. I've checked the box for Force IP, and left the port number at default. In Zone Alarm, I hover my mouse over the Java icon, and see LW listening on TCP 6346, 45100 & UDP 6346, 6347. LW has permission across the board in the Program control section in ZoneAlarm.
I've had success transfering large files across distance to friends using an app called Look@FILE, and they always fly in & outta here at 1-2 Mbps. I notice on it's options window it tells me my outer IP, and the router assigned IP, and it also lists what it calls a server port as 12666. I suspect this little app uses different technology than a p2p network, but I can't lose hope that somehow there's a way to get similar speed out of LW Pro.
Someone please let me know step by step how to ensure my config's right. tyvm |