(notmysticks, huh ?

I moved your post here to the Tips & Tricks forum because it is not really a LimeWire issue or thing...
And, please tell us what you have for
a computer
the Operating System
CD-ROM type of drive(s)
and loads more !
In order to transfer an .mp3 file to a CD that will play in 'normal' CD players, you must convert the .mp3 file into a different format generally called .wav
Then you need to
burn the .wav file(s) to a CD....
The type of CD you need to do the burning will depend on what type of CD-ROM drive that you have...
Different drives have different 'abilities'...
Some can burn to nearly all types of currently available CDs meant for burning.
The main differences between the CD-ROM drive types is whether or not they can record to CD-R/W disks or only to CD-R type...
CD-R/W means basically, 're-writable' (you can 'format'/erase it and use it again). CD-R means recordable - One time only.
Speed is also important in terms of what type of disks will actually work in your drive(s)... The latest high-speed disks will NOT work in older drives.
You need other software in order to do the file type conversions and the burning.
Some programs do all of the steps separately and are really only for the more experienced...
Other programs have many functions and, to varying degrees of success, are actually easy to use to do all that you want.
This is not a subject that can be covered in a few short posts where all will be revealed !!!
The first step that I normally recommend to people who are really new to all of this is to
Musicmatch Jukebox...
There is nothing else available of even remotely equal all-around quality and ease of use.
But, it is for Windoze only.
Now, for the counter arguments about that last bit...