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Old April 8th, 2004
pretty(but)dumb pretty(but)dumb is offline
Join Date: April 8th, 2004
Posts: 2
pretty(but)dumb is flying high
Default the need for speed

Probably a common question but i can't find an answer on the forums that relates to me situation directly, so sorry if its a repeat.
I am a new user of limewire and have had no trouble with small downloads, but bigger files take forever. i download big files one at a time, do not use the computer for anything else when downloading, and usually have a quick broadband connection, but the speed reguarly reaches and stays on 0kb's and gets no higher than 3kb's. is there anything i can do to speed up these downloads.
Thanks for any help
p.s. i am not very technically minded so if replys could be in laymens terms i would appreciate it.
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