Sure you are right Swimkid, you can post the new version of morpheus here because it is their forum. However, it is PURE crap, and it slows down the Gnet (old written core of 2 years 1/2 without updating, a 99% leech it is a 100% profitor -read parasitic- in the new LW topology network and there are SO many reasons to not love it as it abuses some gwebcaches too). All should run away from that program and that why we (Ursula, I and others) prefer there isn't even news about it here. May it dies in a long agony from our collective memory. Amen
Ursula: gnucleus as the same parasitic behavior as morpheus as morph uses gnucdna, however we notice it less because it is a lot less popular. I should also say that it is the gnutella core of gnucdna that sucks, the gnutella 2 implementation is quite good, but I sure don't support that network