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Old April 10th, 2004
ElllisD ElllisD is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 22nd, 2004
Posts: 136
ElllisD is flying high

I just read in another post ( that someone's getting 4-5 Mbps as their common range.... Now I'm wondering hard about what's wrong here. I tend to get about 5 1K's, 3 30K's and 1 or 2 100-300M's. Maybe I'm making something outta nothing here, but could someone please tell me what's "normal"? I'm on a cable modem, and 10 in a row on Cnet's bandwidth meter ( puts me between 3702.4 kbps & 6903.6 kbps, averaging 4901.1 kbps. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know networking, and don't know where to go in XP to optimize my transfers. I do know that my CPU's often real busy, and the hard drive seems pretty slow to read/write. Could these factors play into I/O speed? At least now I know my port forwarding's right, though. But where else can I improve?
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