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Old April 12th, 2004
wilsonli wilsonli is offline
Join Date: March 25th, 2004
Posts: 4
wilsonli is flying high
Question limewire/gnutella firewall

All right, I've posted on here once looking for answers and didn't find them. I'll try to be a little more specific this time. I am running OS X.3 latest version. I have downloaded twice from Limewire, but now when I try to download it stalls my whole internet connection. I have to restart my router to get my internet connection back. Limewire claims I am behind a firewall, but I have checked the system prefs and the little box by the limewire/gnutella firewall is checked in my sharing prefs. I am running my internet connection through a router like I said before, but I can't adjust any settings with the router as far as a firewall goes. The same router used to let me do this before so what's the problem?? Someone please help! It worked when I first got Panther and now it doesn't work at all!!!
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