RedHat 7.1 install problems I have d/l the latest version and i installed the jre2 and when i run sh it goes thru the setup and then the main program comes up and then it goes down. When I try to run it again i get the same thing each and every time.
Registered Monitor Dump:
PCMap lock: <unowned>
utf8 hash table: <unowned>
JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
BinClass lock: <unowned>
Class linking lock: <unowned>
System class loader lock: <unowned>
Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
Heap lock: <unowned>
Monitor cache lock: owner "Thread-45" (0x8a57450) 1 entry
Thread queue lock: owner "Thread-45" (0x8a57450) 1 entry
Waiting to be notified:
"Thread-29" (0x8052cb8)
Monitor registry: owner "Thread-45" (0x8a57450) 1 entry
$ rpm -q jre
Last edited by BlkPoohba; August 19th, 2001 at 09:49 AM.