I see what you are saying, so it sounds like this simple terms:
the application probably writes a piece of info to the header or footer of the file, and thats how it knows what is what. I reckon they need to make some type of a resume feature and allow the user to accept or not.
I mean especially for phone line users man, i mean it is a pain having to download 30 megs again, or even 20 , i mean some of the people stilll pay rates for being connected, whether it be per minute or 10 minutes or half hour or 1 hour. The rates dont appply for everyone as they do in the STATES.
Anyways, *sigh* i need to figure out what i can do for resuming, i wish I could........and this is until the LIMEWIRE group figure out a work-around.
I am sure I have a valid point here for those that would also like files resumed.....
I dont know ? am i wrong?
Anyways, thanks alot for that explination.
Regards |