Thread: need some help
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Old April 29th, 2004
scorch4321ic scorch4321ic is offline
Join Date: April 29th, 2004
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 10
scorch4321ic is flying high

Well, your issue seems to be more complicated than I think you're making it. What might have happened is that the download you are talking about was stopped or failed before, and you tried to redownload it. Once it was redownloaded, you couldn't find it, but you saw it in the "imcomplete" folder. Just to let you know, whenever a download is stopped, or fails, it's saved in the "incomplete" folder, so even if you redownload it, you'll still see that file in the "incomplete" folder. Although the fully downloaded file should be your shared folder (or whatever you call it). Try seaching your hard drive for it. If it does seem to be missing, then I guess you have to redownload that file, and if this problem is different, then well, it's too complicated, and I'm not sure how that could have happened.
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