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Old May 2nd, 2004
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
Draketo, small dragon.
Join Date: May 31st, 2002
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Posts: 1,881
arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

They record additional stats about the hosts and always try to connect to those first, which are listed as best hosts.

Examples you might want to use:
-Number of answers received for a query on average (for the last 10 connections or so, because this can change)
-time connected (for the last 10 connections or so)
-number of successful connections
-number of connected hosts
-connection latency (how long it takes to react)
-the region it is from (limewire now can prefer hosts from your own country)

Other things:
-announce what you are sharing. If you are sharing nothing you might have a hard time to connect, see the "allow freeloaders" option (though this code changes quite often).

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