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Old May 6th, 2004
stief stief is offline
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Aaaargh--where are you guys finding the time for all these fixes and really thorough changelogs! I can't keep up, cap'n. All these great changes are killing my bandwidth and evenings--LOL. Keep 'em coming!

Well you asked--so here's the notes on 3.9.9. I didn't have time to comment on the themes (something was amiss with the clarity of the buttons I think), but a quick look says they are stylin' and professional. Oh Sammy! Please pass on to the creator of Valentine's that the throbbing heart for searches is so sweet. I though I was going to have a heart attack from an estrogen spike and have to go for a testosterone booster. Luckily I was prepared so just quickly peeked at the Pink.

--the LW installer incorrectly sets permissions to "read only" (it sets owner to a different admin user, even though the installer properly asked for and received my current admin user). Couldn't find that it that affects anything, but it did seem odd and in contrast to a jum320 install.

--seeing fewer (7/30) Peers with Listen-IP's of 192.* or 10.* , so it looks like the upgrading is helping the network. However, if I turned my firewall on and start LW, no message appears and LW connects as an Ultrapeer.
--The connection Pane wrapping of tooltip display is mighty fine. The effect is far more useful than irritating. Some info flashed too quickly to scrutinize (I was looking for info on firewalled and duplicate hosts), so perhaps a tt display can be given a few more seconds longevity.
--The new summary of connections is good, but I'm confused by the difference between a Peer and an Ultrapeer. Looks like the bug Report reports them as the same:
Bug report says--
Is Connected: true
Number of Ultrapeer -> Ultrapeer Connections: 29
Number of Ultrapeer -> Leaf Connections: 30
Number of Leaf -> Ultrapeer Connections: 0
Number of Old Connections: 0
Acting as Ultrapeer: true
Acting as Shielded Leaf: false

New Connection Summary typically shows--
(0 Ultrapeers, 29 Peers, 30 Leaves, 0 Connecting, 0 Standard )

Is there much difference between a Peer and an Ultrapeer?

Searches: Bottom line: "It's not LW--it's the host"
--using 2 keywords and an extension with an Any Type Search (my favourite format) LW found 720 sources for a video. 1 keyword and extension gave over 1300 results. This was very useful for choosing the best file to avoid wasted downloads. I'm guessing this is the "Pro" advantage? Interestingly, when I search for my usual rare files, I realized that I'm becoming quite confident that the few results that show mean the host is busy or offline, and that LW will find them when a slot becomes available. Not an exact discovery, but indicative that confidence in the search code has passed a critical level here at least. Quite the improvement over the babysitting tricks we used to discuss on the forum.

I'm liking the Search Pane interface more and more (aside--one completed download didn't update the icon in the search results). Thanks especially for bringing back the tooltip that allows viewing of long names. Together with the column resizing changes, I can usually leave the filter panel open. Before, I usually had to collapse the filter panel to see the names.
--I checked out the tooltip display of multiple sources, but was a bit disappointed here. I'd rather see vendors than IP's (to account for long RAZA queues), but mostly hoped for the ability to browse one of those sources. Can the tooltip results link to a contextual menu that allows browsing?

Uploads--PFS problems with downloads.dat or bak?
I tried and tried to get swarmed uploads going. Normally downloading a popular video will swamp my upload slots so that very little else can get through. However, nothing was happening, even though I tried for 500 MB worth of videos--even one that swamped uploads last week. I tried checking all prefs, resetting PFS prefs and changing upload throttles (even though regular uploads were working fine). Finally succeeded by quitting, emptying the incomplete folder (especially the downloads.dat and bak files). The next video I tried quickly filled the monitors pane. Ran out of time to check this further, but don't like the implications.

Downloads--excellent! THEX correctly recovered three corruptions in a 220MB video, Magnets worked smoothly, and when trying to test swarming, LW set a new high dl speed on my G3 laptop. Pardon, but just have to Poast this screenshot. Prosit!
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