Note 1: can some mod make that sticky?
Note 2: This is not already may 18th, but I thought we might begin to discuss about new features already

Just be sure to download the latest beta of 3.9.x before making any requests
This is the feature request for the LW 4.1 development branch that will end up in the final version of LW 4.2. Contribute to LW advancement!!!
Please make your requests clear, please try the latest version (beta if any) before posting something that might be already included.
Merci beaucoup.
MY feature requests:
1) max simultaneous transfers of the same file option (very important when you share a popular big file, it takes all uploads slots then you can't share anything else)
2) reorganisation of preferences:
a) no more firewall option (rename port option to firewall? IPs should be forced no matter what, like other P2P, this option was confusing users and me, I might add...)
b) the search option (limit, quality and speed) should be eliminated (with recent protocol enhancements it serves nothing)
c) in advanced no more compression option (default proved to be ok)
d) port (rename it firewall) should get out of advanced
e) no more out of band option (default proved to be ok, LW ajusts automatically if host is firewalled)
3) New system of requieries with the 6 first digits of sha1 (more than 2 billions possibilities, à la kazaa), dynamic querying for 1 result by UP BUT a max of TTL=3. ie urn:sha1:RPXYFG The time of the requery should be like it was in LW 2.8.6 (one requery per hour MAXIMUM period, when a file needs more sources) When LW receives a result (with the complete sha1 of 32 digits) it compares the complete sha1 of the two files, if it is the same, the transfer begins... This should allow more transfers with LW unattended and make newbies and pro alike happy
4) a file rating system, you rate the files you download or share in terms of quality, this way fakes and garbage files will be less displayed, this idea is taken from Shareaza.
5) browse other clients in upload window (Bearshare and ACQX support the protocol but LW doesn't try to browse them)
6) proxy browse hosts so we can tell who is really leeching, not who in behind firewall
7) nio technology so LW takes less ram on my old computer...