Originally posted by Matamoros On startup, LW often lingers for a few minutes at Quality: Poor. A glimse at the Connections window reveals only one or two connections to other peers and leaves.
If I disconnect and connect, within a flash the Connections window is flooded with connects and within ~20 seconds at least a dozen connections have been established and Quality: Turbo is displayed .
This seems to have been introduced with the defaualt list of GWebCaches introduced in 3.9.7 but I am not sure about this. |
I don't think so. Disconnecting and reconnecting will just attempt to reuse the same existing list of peers that existed before disconnecting. At startup, there's lot of things to do in LimeWire, so connections may be slower. Once all gets in place, things go faster.
LimeWire has worked a lot to optimize the init phase and reduce its power up time (including reducing the time to process list of Gwebcaches).
Just disconnecting/reconnecting will not trigger new accesses to Gwebcaches.
What may happen is that your last saved list of peers was outdated (because you had not run it for some time), so LimeWire will first attempt to connect to them before querying Gwebcaches if this list is exhausted.
Other sources of peers comes from attempts to connect to busy hosts with no more connection slot (they report other peers they know in a X-Try-UltraPeer header). This minimizes accesses to Gwebcaches.