Thread: LimeWire 3.9.10
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Old May 15th, 2004
Matamoros Matamoros is offline
Join Date: March 14th, 2004
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 74
Matamoros is flying high

First, thanks for the taking the time to address these issues; I realize that OS/2 is not a priority.

Originally posted by verdyp
It seems to be an issue with the virtual memory management (with committed memory) on OS/2, and difficulties to handle multiple threads efficiently on this platform, and to support CPU throttling:
Perhaps. But I didn't have this problem until a recent beta.


I note that you share a lot of files, but you have erased your THEX data cache. This is still a new feature in LimeWire, ant i will take time until all your files are indexed.
Oops. That is the filename of the THEX cache? Next time I will be more careful.


However, throttling of this hasher by concurrent threads seems to be ineffective on OS/2.
Well,I am now running LimeWire 3.9.10 in the background (~14 uploads at the moment) and total CPU usage is around 5%. It is only versions 3.9.11 and 3.9.12 where I encounter this problem.


I recommand you check your system settings related to virtual memory management (if you don't have a permanent and unfragmented swap space, you could experiment long delays o perform efficient multithreading).
I have 512 MB of memory, and the swap file (2MB) is unused, so fragmentation is not an issue.

Last edited by Matamoros; May 15th, 2004 at 03:17 PM.