--several times the Monitor showed a duplicate upload (different progress) to the same IP/vendor. Uploading the same file at the same time seemed a waste of bandwidth, so I had to kill one (the lowest) and reset the upload prefs to only allow one slot per person. Too bad--I'd like to allow more slots per person.
Does not seem to be a bug, but a normal behavior. That remote host just happens to use its two upload slots to download distinct fragments of the same file.
This is a feature of swarming. This is not a "duplicate" download, but a convenience (because you have allowed two slots per user, you allow that user to use these two slots as he wants to download any file or fragment from you).
The progress bar only show the position of the download fragment in progress.
This would be a bug if the two progress bars were showing identical positions. Also it may happen (sometimes) that the apparent same downloader is a pair of distinct hosts connecting to you through the same NAT router or proxy. These two users may not be aware that they are trying to download the same file.
However if they are on the same LAN, may be the Multicast support of LimeWire may allow them to cooperate by downloading each a separate fragment from you and uploading to each other the same fragment. I don't know if alternate source discovery also searches the LAN for available files or fragments with Multicast... It could be useful because it will speedup their download experience with Ethernet speed from each other.
Last edited by verdyp; May 16th, 2004 at 04:35 PM.