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Old May 19th, 2004
tambourine-man tambourine-man is offline
Join Date: July 24th, 2003
Posts: 6
tambourine-man is flying high

Wow...LOL... I forgot about this little thread I made (I had it on e-mail alert - hence the reason I'm posting now).

To answer your question - yes they were 'in red' and completely unrecoverable at my level of skill. Unfortunately, I'm unsure of what the red means, other than that it probably indicates that it is corrupted (best guess).

As it turned out, my problem was complicated by two factors: First, I was having trouble allocating RAM, and secondly (more importantly) I was using a USB port for my cable connection...

The helpful people at (AKA were able to help - see this thread (it'll take you through some of the solutions):

They were so helpful - I became a regular there. Hope it helps, matey.

Last edited by tambourine-man; May 19th, 2004 at 12:14 AM.
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