Thread: No Uploads
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Old May 19th, 2004
scorch4321ic scorch4321ic is offline
Join Date: April 29th, 2004
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 10
scorch4321ic is flying high
Unhappy No Uploads

I'm having trouble with uploading, I have LimeWire 3.8.5 PRO I have the following settings:
Upload Bandwidth: 100%
Partial Files: Check
Uploads per person: 10
Max Upload Slots: 15
I also have it set up to allow anyone upload no matter how many files they have. This is kind of irritating me because now that I have cable, I'm willing to share, but nobody can upload from me. While when I had 56k everyone uploaded and killed my bandwidth. I know my files are popular, but nobody has uploaded yet. They all have hits and a lot of them. I tried disabling my firewall, and nothing happened, as far as I know there isn't any obvious solution to this problem. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me here. Thanks.
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