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Old May 21st, 2004
JaTeledude JaTeledude is offline
Join Date: May 21st, 2004
Location: Japan
Posts: 1
JaTeledude is flying high
Default iTunes???What problem???

I've been using Limewire for awhile now and I just upgraded to the latest version..4 and now I can't get it to open. I get the "Application has unexpectedly quit..." as well when I hit the button to get rid of the pop-up to switch to Pro. I also downloaded the iTunes 4.5 app as well and have been using it. I did, however have a connection on Limewire 4 the other night and when I shut down and restarted this morning, I get the message again. Any ideas on what to do? I'm running OSX 10.2.8 on a Powerbook G4 with only ISDN connection (laugh all you want, it's all I can get in my tiny village here in Japan...)Thanks ahead of time...
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