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Old May 21st, 2004
Posts: n/a
Default Sharing very slow at every startup?


I'm sure this has been answered before, I took a look with the search engine but didn't find anything really obvious.

Right now I'm only sharing about 100 songs since I just bought limewire pro (using LimeWire Client 4.0.2 pro).

Every time I startup, there's a ~10 minute delay as I watch the text at the bottom telling me "Sharing 1/100, then 2/100, then 3/100", etc... files. During this time I'm unable to use my computer to play music or do much of anything because the CPU is working like crazy.

I've heard the concept of hashing here, but don't really know what it means. I saw a reference to someone who mentioned that files shouldn't be "rehashed" on every startup - is this what is happening to me? In my sharing directory I don't see any files other than the music files - should I? I'm using a different folder to share than the default, e:\mp3\lime , though I doubt this would make a difference.

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