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Old May 22nd, 2004
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verdyp verdyp is offline
LimeWire is International
Join Date: January 13th, 2002
Location: Nantes, FR; Rennes, FR
Posts: 306
verdyp is flying high

You probably have both Basic and Pro installed on your system, in distinct locations, and you are mixing the shortcuts to launch it.
Right click on the shortcut or menu to display its properties. It will give you the location of the program you launch with it.
You may ahave several shortcuts installed: one on the desktop, one in the Start menu, one in your favorite links, one in the "Recent programs" list... On Mac OS or Linux you may have different locations too. Sorry, but you don't give details about which OS you use, and which version number of LimeWire (see "Help/About").
Or you are launching LimeWire from different user accounts... and not all accounts have their desktop shortcut pointing to the same place.
LimeWire is international. Help translate LimeWire to your own language.