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Old May 23rd, 2004
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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I already asked him, if it was a bug. The answer was, that it is intentional. He didn't react to further questions about this.

But You'll have to excuse me for quite liking Acquisition, as it still quite beats LimeWires usability. A LimeWire lite with only the most necessary features (or a Konfabulator-widget for which I posted the request in the LW-OSX-Board: ) would be likely to make me switch back. Problem is: I want a good working, sleek app, and Acq is that. I can for example "stream" mp3s over Gnutella with it via the preview-function (using iTunes) (as long as I get enough speed) with a single click.
At the moment I mostly use LimeWire to create magnet-links.

PS: I only found it out by chance as I tested, if Phex is able to connect to Acquisition through my dyndns-account (works) and just saw the LimeWire vendor-message, but at my dyndns-account and with my custom Acquisition port.

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