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Old May 23rd, 2004
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verdyp verdyp is offline
LimeWire is International
Join Date: January 13th, 2002
Location: Nantes, FR; Rennes, FR
Posts: 306
verdyp is flying high

Originally posted by stief
Dave: You harm yourself and your users by taking more than your share of the credit. Roger, Sam, Gregorio, Phillipe, Jens-Uwe and many others I am only dimly aware of deserve credit. You know best who to credit, so let your users know too.
Among these, only Sam is working for Limewire. All others are generous contributors. Sam was a contributor too last year before he joined the Limewire crew working in New York.

Our common policy however is to keep being generous with other servents, under some limitations to protect LimeWire users from excessive abuses, in the hope that LimeWire users will still benefit of a good interconnection with other servents that also have interesting contents (BearShare notably and GTKG, Swapper.Net or MLDonkey or MyNapster, but also GnucDNA-based servents and even Shareaza for which we still offer a mutual access even if we control their greedy behavior and limit the access due to lack of support).

Extreme measures are taken on really malicious and leaching servents (Xolox for example) that abuse all other good or average servents without offering any assistance to maintain the network or to discuss the interoperability issues within the GDF. Some other servents are also abusing the GPL, such as Poco in China (abusing the gIFT's GPL; well gIFT is not even a good implementation of Gnutella and its poorly coded and we need to maintain it under control, without rejecting it completely).

For LimeWire open-source abusers, there was the case of FreeWire and AtomWire. But they are nearly extinct due to their bad stability and absence of maintenance or support, unlike AcqLite and Acquisition which are very active.

I still don't know what is "Kiwi" which has started since a few weeks to come regularly. I have no opinion on its quality.

I would like to have opinions of LimeWire users about what they get from remote TrustyFiles servents, which are now very active. I hope this newer servent is correctly maintained. The next months will learn that to us, or simply LimeWire 4 will beat it...
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