Thread: Uninstalling
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Old May 28th, 2004
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Default Re: Uninstalling

Originally posted by wakeboard
Yeah i was trying to uninstall an earlier LimeWire and i went to drag all the files in the trash. All were able to be deleted except to one. It was the folder in which the LimeWire had appeard on my OSX Hard drive. My computer keeps bringing up and error message stating that "the operation can not occur because it is owned by root". Dose anyone know what that means? How can i delete LimeWire off my hard drive for good? How can i find the root?
Ay yes, you just hit a new feature of MacOSX, which wasn't there in MacOS9.

The root is the central controller of your computer. All rights to do anything it wants. You on the other side are likely the administrator.
Two ways to do it: First: Use the command line. You'll feel like a linux geek doing it and will be greatly pleased when you discover some of the secrets in your Operation System (I was ), but you'll also deal with a whole new way of controlling your computer, which isn't quite as easy as your used to (but also not as limited, you can do anything when you're root and your system never even says nay, just gets killed when you do something wrong...).

The other way is using the Finde and your Admin-Privileges.

I'll describe the second. To do the first you can get instructions here:

The other way is:
-Get Info on the file in your trash
-Open the arrow "owner and ..." (I got a german system, need to translate)
-Look into details
-Click on the lock to the right, you'll have to enter your user-name and password.
-Choose your user name from the pulldown menu where you read root.
-Click the button "for all subobjects" (or so, exactly below the pulldown menu "others").
-Try emptying the trash once more.

Tell me if it worked

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