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Old June 4th, 2004
Matt38 Matt38 is offline
Join Date: June 4th, 2004
Posts: 3
Matt38 is flying high
Default Incoming searches but no hits

I have some files I'm eager to share but for some reason they are not being hit by incoming searches. I enable incoming searches and I can see incoming searches that match what I have but when I look in the library pane that shows hits and upload attempts it doesn't show any hits on my shared files. The only files that seem to get hits are files I've downloaded. Nothing that was in my shared folder on startup gets any hits. Any one know why that is?

Also Mac OS9.2.2 has a limit to how long of a name I can give a file so I can't be as specific as I'd like as to what it is and the annotate button is greyed. How do I get the annotate button to work so that I can enter more specific information so my files will be found easier? (once I solve the above problem any way)

Wow, I just searched this forum for annotate and out of all these posts the word is only mentioned in passing in four of them (including this thread). I must cunclude that no one has had ant questions about the annotate button either because they don't use it and don't care or every one knows all about it or no one knows anything about it and it's a big mystery to every one. hmmm... It did work for me once and I found it a nice feature for adding extra info to help people find my files but I have no idea what causes the button to go grey. If any one knows what event or criterea have to be met for the button to function, I'd sure like to know. Please.

Last edited by Matt38; June 4th, 2004 at 09:02 AM.
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