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Old June 5th, 2004
stief stief is offline
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I know what you mean by hating to give up on some rare partial incompletes. However, if the downloads.dat or .bak file has become corrupted, they will never resume (and I *think* will show as red).

Still, you can cut down on the 50: delete all the 0KB incompletes from the Library->Incomplete folder: that should help reduce the error messages and the number of threads LW is trying to keep active. Another trick that can sometimes help cut down on the number of restarts is to delete the files from the downloads pane, and then resume them from the Library->Incomplete Pane (I figure you've likely tried this one already . . . ). Sounds like those one or two sources must be as busy as you.

Re the file names: As long as a file has a 'hash' that is identical, the name of the file is irrelevant. So, if you see several files that look to be almost identical, LW will see them as differrent if they differ by even 1 bit. We probably couldn't notice a difference if they were media files, but . . .

cheers--good luck. If you get a chance, try starting with a clean incomplete folder, but backing up the old one first. If that doesn't help, you can aways revert to the old one.
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