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Old June 6th, 2004
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murasame murasame is offline
The Soulforged
Join Date: February 12th, 2004
Location: Paris, France
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Hey Morgan.

I never thought of "Awaiting Sources" or "Need More Sources" as a problem. I mean, it's just that the user uploading the file is either offline or is too busy serving the file to others that he doesn't accept other requests. Some people think that this is actually a problem of the application...
Anyway, an "Awaiting For Busy Hosts" is by far a better status to have than "Awaiting Sources" sinces it tells you that LW has found some sources that have accepted your request but that are too busy right now: waiting (maybe several hours) is the best thing to do at that time, even though the user(s) might go offline at anytime while you wait. If you get the "Awaiting Sources" status, the best thing to do is to let it go and periodically (not continually) research for the files.
Also, a turbo charged connection doesn't mean that you'll also get turbo charged dld speeds. It just means that you are connected to a set number of Ultrapeers, which will get you better results (and maybe more), which in turn might make your dlds faster IF since you get more sources to dld from.
Furthermore, I read that if two people are behind firwalls (the uploader and the dlder) then the exchanges might have trouble passing through.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

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And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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