First try this... Post again and tell what kind of computer you are using, including operating system, model, how you connect, memory,what browser, speed at least enough so the xperts here can sort of know where to start.
I am new here, and the first thing I did was go through about six pages of these posts to see who seemed most helpful and then read their posts. Also look for posts that may answer your question, even if the post is off your topic you will still learn a bit every where you look.
I've been on a Mac for 14 years now and still have trouble with system x13, so go everywhere you can.
Another thing is try and watch your spelling. It takes effort, but worth the trouble to preview and see what you look like to others that see your post. But never videotape yourself making a speech and then watch or you will think aliens have taken over your body and you may have to be committed.
Don't give up, you could always ask your parents...
Sorry, not that funny. |