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Old August 22nd, 2001
afisk afisk is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 7th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high

I'll try to respond to as many people as I can here.

To the original user posting about sharing the entire hard drive, I cannot think of any reason why LimeWire would be listing 16 files as shared when you only have on file in that directory unless you are also sharing a second directory.

To the OSX user seeing reduced horizon statistics -- these numbers are only there to give you a rough estimate of the files available, and they do not accurately reflect the true state of the network. I would not use them to determine the quality of your connection.

For the user who posted the suggestions and bug reports, we will likely do all of these things at some point. The bug in the Monitor tab will definitely be fixed with the next release, and we will add the option to run LimeWire at startup at some point. The only thing that is tricky here is to detect that LimeWire is already running when the user starts another one. Should that start a second LimeWire, or should it detect the original one running and simply make it visible?

Ed- is the target of the shortcut only:

-cp . RunLime

or does it also include something like:

C:\System32\javaw.exe -cp . RunLime

(Does it include something like the first part with javaw.exe in it?)

As far as LimeWire for FreeBSD, LimeWire 1.6d should work fine with Java 1.2 and higher, so there should not be any problems with the current version of Java available for FreeBSD.