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Old June 16th, 2004
AaronWalsh AaronWalsh is offline
Join Date: June 16th, 2004
Posts: 18
AaronWalsh is flying high
Default Semi Private Limewire Network?

Hello everyone,

I would like to use Limewire Pro in a semi-private network, so that my colleagues and I can share files quickly over the Internet? Although we all run the program (version 4.0.5), when I search for files that I know are available (shared) by them I can't find them since my copy of the program is trying the entire public network instead of starting with the group of users that I want (my colleagues at work). I know their IP addresses, so adding them to the program's search list wouldn't be a problem -- we simply want to be the first on each other's search list (top priority when searching) so that we can share files with one another over the public Internet. If we could set up a completely private network (where only we can search and upload/download as a group, but others on the Internet can't) that would be even better. But if not we'd be happy to just have a semi-private group were we are able to quickly search one another's system before trying the normal search route.

Is it possible to configure Limewire so that it searches a specific collection of IP addresses (who also run it) on the public Internet before it tries the usual search route?

With thanks for your help,
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