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Old June 22nd, 2004
arne_bab's Avatar
arne_bab arne_bab is offline
Draketo, small dragon.
Join Date: May 31st, 2002
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Posts: 1,881
arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

You can use one of my songs for testing purposes.

"Das klein wild Vögelein".
It is a very old folk-Song from Germany. Translated it means "The little wild bird" and is originally about pretty village-daughters, who don't want to come to the castle of their landlord, but you couldn't sing that blatantly in those times.

Its Bitzi Magnet-Link is:

magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:5XVVT24UBEYSCDCGBMWHKOBT2VXJUP DJ&xt=urn:kzhash:847cdfc36d11312e56dbe4705e7a2149c af991ed3f54e79ae754fe9d9bc0ce29f1510a2e&dn=voegele in.mp3

Its LimeWire Magnet-Link is:
magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:5XVVT24UBEYSCDCGBMWHKOBT2VXJUP DJ&dn=Das%20klein%20wild%20Voegelein.mp3&xs= ttp://

You can find it here:

And its description with creative-commons-license attribution-sharealike here:

You can find some more songs, which are free to distribute here:

A german story of mine can also be freely distributed:

Korben, the story of a rather unsuccessful adventurer set in a fantasy world.

magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:WP5EUICAAFI3VRCM7GVKBVAIMWIADE HK&xt=urn:kzhash:8de0e8af53ae92ee339eafd85e19f2f85 7607c07a21fdfc8e79cc02168e1651d2473af25&dn=korben_ a5_2004-06-22.pdf

LimeWire magnet with http-source:
magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:WP5EUICAAFI3VRCM7GVKBVAIMWIADE HK&dn=korben_a5_2004-06-22.pdf&xs= ttp://

This file you can get here:

I also put the magnets up here:

-> put this banner into your own signature! <-
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Last edited by arne_bab; June 22nd, 2004 at 07:49 PM.
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