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Old June 30th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I'm not sure about iTunes but some mp3 players only adjust volume (such as normalization) for their own playback! (it's an artificial volume adjustment.) I'm not sure about an mp3 player that does a true volume adjustment. The other alternative is to normalize it or the tracks in a full-bodied audio editor. It 'might' mean the need to convert your audio files to aiff/wav depending on your particular brand of audio editor. But doing this might lead to loss of some quality by the time you convert it back to mp3. Unless of course it's not an mp3 disk you want in which case any non mp3 audio-editor should be able to do the job. Personally I use Peak, SoundEdit II & Jam for these purposes. There's plenty of decent audio editors around! Sorry I can't advise about mp3 players that do a legitimate job to solve your issue.
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