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Old July 1st, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I was very almost going to suggest the same thing a while ago, but thought it was too basic a suggestion for mac users. However, this is true for any file you download (excluding stuffed & image files), that you try them out immediately by dragging & dropping the file onto your application. I had the problem with LW2 (in OS 8) that many files would have Limewire as the creator of the file. This seemed to confuse StuffIt Deluxe & some other apps. If I double-clicked the file, Limewire would open. I either manually unstuffed them or used Mac Army Knife to adjust their file attributes. Particularly in OS 9 the icon & file's attributes can be very sensitive towards which app opens it. PDF's are a typical example. OSX PDF's don't necessarily open with Acrobat if you double-click them & may lack an Acrobat icon.
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