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Old July 3rd, 2004
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I really appreciate your response murasame & I'm sure the others in these related threads & many other people are also appreciative & interested to know the answers. Pity you can't remember or find that particular thread. How far back was it? It will probably shed a great amount of light on this topic!

Likewise I agree with jordan2, your comment:

'As I said before, I am quite positive that the red files are not Incompletes (if you go to your incompletes folder in the finder, I'm pretty sure that you won't find them there) because one of the more experienced people in these forums told me so (I believed him), but unfortunately, I forgot what they were exactly and have no idea how to look for that particular post.'

Unfortunately both jordan2 & I have found the items in Red are in our Incomplete folders & their file sizes agree with what LW's Library window says. You are either suggesting that LW's Library (or download.dat file) has a bug toward keeping track of partial download files or as I suggested earlier, in the related thread 'What a bummer', that these items in red have lost their links with their counterparts in the download window. Which I suppose is arguably a bug or just inefficiency. It does say in the manual/FAQ something semi-related to this about attempting to keep files grouped. Unfortunately, it seems I'm unable to open the LW manual PDF on my mac. (I have a suspicion it's been configured for opening on a pc.)

I think it would be of great value to all of us if you could possibly locate that article/thread you mentioned. Because your response doesn't seem to totally ring true. As far as the prefs becoming corrupted, I wouldn't be surprised. LW's engineer's still haven't quite cleaned up that issue. jordan2 would be more than happy to tell you.
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