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Old July 3rd, 2004
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I'm not sure which thread to respond to now. But before I nod off, & time really does seem to slow down when you're converting to mpeg2 & you have a 733mhz & a modem connection, the response in itself brings some questions I wouldn't mind being explored. For now I'll keep it brief until I can 'get a few winks' & review this with a fresh mind. However I must say I am elated to receive such a response from developers & the experienced in one/2 related threads. I greatly appreciate your times (outside of your work & families) & awareness to these issues.

Q.1 How can we personally utilize the file downloads.bak to help us?

Q.2 It sounds from your description that my assumption about links was correct. Otherwise how else can a file become a PFS. A simple deviation from what is hoped for is not a major issue to admit to so long as you are still looking into solutions for it.

Q.3 How can we finish/complete the downloads of PFS files. As suggested, force resume doesn't work. Although I'm still exploring this option.

Q.4 The issue of prefs becoming corrupted in some way, be it due to a conflict with another app or whatever, is there anythig we should do to help safeguard ourselves from this.

Any answers greatly appreciated & we would recommend others users to make an important note of our discussions directly/indirectly.
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