Thread: moving files
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Old July 6th, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Some people have waited several days or longer for a resonse so the fact you're getting a response the same day for an unpaid service is not too bad. Unless you want to donate to me!

If you have your preferences set up correctly, (eg- under iTunes having iTunes support option ticked), then with each mp3 you download, iTunes should open & simultaneously copy the file to your iTunes folder. On my computer that means having 2 copies (iTunes music folder & Limewire download folder, but then I have 2 HDD's & 7 partitions.) Have a close look at your LW prefs if this is not happening for you at the moment! The iTunes copy should be in your personal folder/Documents/iTunes. A search of your entire HDD's with Sherlock/Finder should locate where the copies of your music are situated.

Once your files have been downloaded they can be found in whichever folder you dedicated in your LW Prefs under the first option of 'Saving'.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 6th, 2004 at 03:07 PM.
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