Innoval has posted to other forums (notably BearShare's as "rifilter") with the same initial post... It is in that forum some of the heaviest brick were thrown at him (not to mention my
pumpkin launcher! regarding propagation filtering). As such, I've so far refrained from posting here, as no man deserved having MY pumkins launched at him in more than one place! Many of the changes in Innoval's approach to filtering were probably strongly affected by posts in
that forum that you guys haven't read...
I'm interjecting here now to object to some of the silly ideas I see bouncing around here.
Innoval as a buisness seeking profit. He cetainly wouldn't have to do
this and show up to these forums to make money; Innoval makes whatever progras buisnesses want. However, there is a unique opportunity for Innoval to gain a good image and a position on the forefront of P2P tolerance and filtering that is a good idea to take advantage of. (Now that I believe he will do this without harming GnutellaNet, I don't think this is a bad idea at all
Originally posted by Ahri There are still at least two kinds of people who will still hate you for the filter.
1) People who think this technology will eventualy lead to total blockage of porn, music, programs and anything else copyrighted from being downloaded over Gnutella. I don't see how this is possible and no one has to worry about it. However, ignorance exists.
2) People who use Gnutella at the office or at school. This people have a valid complaint, but I do believe computer owners have the right to ban Gnutella on their computers if they want to. |
Neither of these groups has
any reason to hate the latest incarnation of RIfilter. Group (1) is typically contains no ignoramuses, and if it did, said bozos would have no efficacy. Group (2), reserving the option to block Gnutella completely at their leisure, would have no objection to this filter either.
Originally posted by podonne I still stand by my statment that the ISPs could never be held accountable.
By the way, how does your filter work? is it a text-keyword matcher? if it was looking for the phrase "child porn" would it catch "c-h-i-l-d-p-o-r-n.jpg" or "norpdlihc.jpg" (backwards)? |
Firstly, I agree (and have ranted elsewhere) that ISP can/will not be made liable...
As for the filter,
assume it is effective. Be assured that if it needs something added to it, Innoval will update that part of the program immediately. No need to worry about the effectiveness of the filtering algotrithm chosen, I simply
assume that it will eventually be made near-perfect. That leaves me free to concern myself with its interjection into P2P networks.