I have finished reading the entire forum about auto finding that you pointed me at, and can confirm what I wrote previously: auto find (aka "auto-requeries" or "auto searching") is not needed to fix the magnet download problem. Although it would be nice if there was a solution to the auto find issue I wasn't suggesting it for fixing the magnets and it isn't a feature that I'm suggesting be implemented at all; my only concern was that Limewire breaks in terms of handling the magnet if the original
http:// source isn't available (and it almost never is; in the month or so that I've been testing magnets with Limewire only a few have ever worked seamlessly -- I end up manually searching for the file once the magnet fails to download because the host specified by the xs attribute isn't available).
My reason for posting my magnet test results was to provide details so that developers could fix the download issue, which seems pretty straight-forward and doesn't require auto-finding. If Limewire attempts just a single search (and not more) for the file specified by a magnet's urn:sha1:### info that would solve the problem I've reported. If that single search comes up empty, then it's up to the end user to manually "Find More Sources".
This solution (a single search based on the urn:sha1:### info if the xs
http:// host is not available, but *not* using auto-find/search to repeatedly do the search) won't create the bandwidth issues that resulting in the auto find feature being removed from Limewire in the first place and would fix the problem with magnet links.
I think we were talking about two different things entirely for most of this dicussion, and hope this clarificaiton helps (and thanks for the material on why auto-find was removed in the first place).